Certification Definition

An Explanation of Our Certification

American Humane Association’s Certified Animal Safety Representatives™ oversee all animal action on-set for films, television, commercials and more, enforcing our Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media and intervening on behalf of animal actors when necessary. All domestically filmed Screen Actors Guild (SAG) productions are required to provide our Safety Representatives unlimited on-set access whenever animals are used. If the production meets or exceeds our rigorous standards, the film earns the “No Animals Were Harmed”® disclaimer in the end credits of the film along with American Humane Association’s rating.

monitored-outstandingMonitored: Outstanding

Safety Representatives were on set to ensure the safety of the animals throughout production. After screening the finished product and cross-checking all animal action, we determined the film met or exceeded our Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media and is awarded the end credit disclaimer “No Animals Were Harmed”®.

monitored-acceptableMonitored: Acceptable

Safety Representatives were not able to monitor every scene in which animals appeared. However, American Humane Association oversaw significant animal action filmed in compliance with our Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media. After screening the finished product and cross-checking all animal action supervised during production, we acknowledge that the filmmakers have cooperated fully with our process.

monitored-specialMonitored: Special Circumstances

Production followed American Humane Association’s Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media and cooperated with the protective measures enforced by our Certified Animal Safety Representatives™ , an accident, injury or death involving an animal occurred during the course of filming. A full investigation revealed that the incident was not a result of negligence or malice on the part of the production or animal suppliers.

monitored-unacceptableMonitored: Unacceptable

Production failed to adhere to our Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media or disregarded animal safety leading to improper animal safety and directly caused the injury or death of an animal.

not-monitoredNot Monitored: Production Compliant

Safety Representatives were unable to directly supervise the animal action due to limited resources and/or scheduling conflicts. The production complied with all registration requirements, however, submitting a shooting script and relevant animal scheduling information, and provided a pre-release screening of the film as requested by American Humane Association.

not-monitored2Not Monitored

The production did not seek monitoring oversight from American Humane Association’s Safety Representatives during filming. We cannot attest to the treatment of the animal actors or know whether our Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media were followed.